
Lisa Conrad

Visual artist and writer, cyclist, digital scholarship librarian at cca.

Cori Hayden

Anthropologist, writer, co-pilot, will point albatross bars and go.

Maya Conrad

Land conservation advocate and community leader, realtor, lifelong athlete, and 4 ½ ft team trainer.

Deidre Hayden

Novice adventurer, retired non-profit director, social justice and education advocate, parent and grandparent of some very lovely people.

Bob Hayden

Recently retired from a career in management of environmental, transportation, and electric vehicle policies and programs in San Francisco, Sacramento and Washington, DC.

Lana Bernberg

Visual and messaging alchemist and food as medicine advocate.

Ansel Klein

An avid bike tourer, artist, cartographer, and graduate student; I seek to blur the lines among scientific, aesthetic, sensorial, and archival forms of knowledge production.

Hope Windle

Instructional designer by trade as well as a writer and multimedia artist living and working in the Hudson Valley of New York, conjuring her high-wheel bikin’ champ of a grandad.

Galen Joseph

Galen Joseph is an anthropologist, a seeker of new things, and a foster parent to many kittens.